The National Guard Working Group sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs (HSGAC) regarding Governor Kristi Noem’s nomination as Secretary of Homeland Security. The letter emphasizes the importance of safeguarding the National Guard’s nonpartisan integrity and core mission of homeland defense and disaster response. It also urges the Committee to examine Governor Noem’s approach to guard deployments.
Count Every Hero sent a letter to the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) regarding Pete Hegseth’s nomination for the Secretary of Defense. The letter stresses the need to protect the apolitical nature of the U.S. military and urges the Committee to scrutinize a proposed draft executive order to establish an external review board, which could politicize military leadership and undermine established review systems.
We filed an amicus brief with the Secure Families Initiative in North Carolina, where efforts seek to block military and overseas deployed voters. Attempts to stop overseas families and troops from voting, so close to Election Day, flies in the face of the values our troops defend with their lives.
Deployed military members and families already face too many hurdles when voting, navigating state and local laws and the logistics of printing, sending, and returning ballots while abroad. Efforts to block their votes in North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, must be rejected as they have been in Michigan.
Count Every Hero urged the U.S. Senate to work together to expeditiously move the hundreds of pending military promotions, writing, “The hold on military promotions inflicts cascading harms to our national security and will gradually weaken our military’s capacity to defend our nation and to meet its global commitments.”
The Center for Presidential Transition® recently hosted an event with Count Every Hero to celebrate the release of our new report, “Presidential Transitions are a Perilous Moment for National Security,” which uses four historical examples to examine how new administrations can address national security challenges during presidential transitions.
Count Every Hero wrote to support Michigan House Bill 4210, which extends voting options that meet the unique needs of active-duty military overseas to their families. “We need to ensure our service members and their families are allowed to participate in our elections, no matter where in the world they are.”
As former senior defense officials and military leaders, we strongly urge Congress to pass bipartisan reforms of the Electoral Count Act of 1887, or ECA, before the end of this year. In 2021, for the first time in history our nation did not have a peaceful transfer of presidential power. This was the result of attempts to use deficiencies in the ECA to overturn the results of a free and fair election. The instability that stemmed from this event continues to be a threat to our security domestically and internationally.
The undersigned organizations write to urgently request that, as you pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, you protect national security by stopping attempts to politicize our federal civil service. America’s long-term success and continued security rely on a professional, merit-based civil service composed of public servants committed to furthering the best interests of the people, regardless of partisanship or political loyalty.
Petitioners advocate adoption of a profoundly destabilizing and undemocratic approach to election administration. The independent state legislature theory would undermine election integrity and diminish public confidence in electoral outcomes. Centralizing authority over federal elections in the hands of state legislatures would result in election chaos by undermining professional nonpartisan election administrators and undoing hundreds of laws enshrined in state constitutions, adopted by voter referenda, or implemented through administrative rules. Moreover, the jettisoning of judicial review and state constitutional limitations greenlights extreme partisan gerrymandering and removes any constraint on voter suppression in federal elections. The predictable outcome is severe damage to election integrity and public faith in election legitimacy.
What if we told you America has an electoral system where politicians got to choose their voters? You’d probably think we had it backwards, since what we were taught in school about basic American democracy was that every citizen has one vote to choose who represents us. The sad truth is that because of a practice called gerrymandering, politicians and political parties have more influence on who gets to represent us than we the voters do.
Dear Senators Klobuchar and Blunt: We strongly support enactment of election integrity legislation that will be the subject of the Rules Committee’s hearing on August 3. We commend the members of the Committee and the Bipartisan Senate Working Group for their in-depth assessments of the fundamental flaws in the antiquated Electoral Count Act of 1887 that became apparent in the aftermath of the most recent Presidential election. These analyses are reflected in the bills that have been developed to supplant the outdated 1887 provisions with a balanced framework and unambiguous terms.
Dear Governor Sununu, We are writing to express our concerns over the provisions of New Hampshire Senate Bill 418 (SB-418) that will adversely affect our military service members’ ability to exercise their right to vote by absentee ballot. The provisions within SB-418 that extend the time for certification of vote totals will result in a three day overlap between the day military absentee ballots must be sent to military members per federal law under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) and the last day for New Hampshire local election officials to certify vote totals.
The attack on the U.S. Capitol and brazen assault on our democracy on Jan. 6 was a shocking wake-up call for America. As veterans and civilians who have served at the highest levels of defending our nation, it was outright heartbreaking to learn of the numbers of veterans who were involved. It is no secret extremists have targeted members of the military for recruitment, exploiting the experience and legitimacy they bring. While we are concerned about any veteran involvement in the riot, the unlawful and disloyal acts of a few will not define us.
Count Every Hero, a cross-partisan initiative formed in the fall of 2020 to ensure military votes were counted in the general election, launched a new campaign today called Operation Protect Democracy focused on fighting corruption in politics by reforming the electoral system.
On Thursday, November 5th, Count Every Hero held a press conference with top retired military brass discussing what recent attempts to stop the vote count means for military voters and the impact of military ballots in the still undecided 2020 Presidential race.
Count Every Hero, a cross-partisan group dedicated to ensuring all service members’ votes are counted before any election winners are declared, launched a new round of campaign ads just 7 days before the election. Their ads counter the President’s latest tweet demanding results by election night. If all military votes are to be counted, TV news hosts must wait until every single military vote is counted.
On Wednesday, October 21st, the Count Every Hero initiative hosted their first press call. The call featured Co-Chair of Count Every Hero, Admiral Steve Abbot, and campaign endorsers Air Force and Air Force Reserves Veteran Charlynda Scales and Retired Navy Captain Gabriel Soltero all shared their stories about the complexities of voting overseas. The call also featured Jack Noland and Anh-Linh Kearney, researchers from RepresentUs who shared an overview of their new report: Military Voting in All 50 States.
Most overseas service members vote by mail, their ballots will arrive after Election Day, and their votes could significantly impact the November 3 election results. That’s according to a study released today by Count Every Hero, a cross-partisan campaign to ensure all service members’ votes are counted before election winners are declared.
The unprecedented nature of the November election has led dozens of distinguished service members and veterans to support Count Every Hero, a cross-partisan public education. The aim of the group’s advertising and outreach efforts is to ensure all service members’ votes are counted before election winners are declared by candidates, election officials, and media outlets.
Count Every Hero, a cross-partisan campaign to ensure all service members’ votes are counted before election winners are declared, launched today with support across partisan lines.